Saturday, October 18, 2008

Warren Buffet

The billion dollar machine, Warren Buffet believes that the American economy is the way to invest for long term. He wrote this opinion in an article in the NYTimes.

I agree with him. I do not agree with him in supporting Obama though, but that is a different story.

The market is down a lot in the past month, but the question is when will it go back up. It is obvious that it will be over time. The market has always rebounded from dips and the great depression.

Why would you invest?

Invest to put aside money for the future and manage its growth. You can choose to invest in certain stocks during this time and in 5 years or more, you will definitely see some gains in your favor.

Now, if you were to keep this money in the bank account, you are guaranteed that you will not lose your money, but you might be more likely to spend it on things that are not worth it.

I am going to start investing within a month.

Now is the time to get in on those deals of stock.

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