Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Bailout Brain Rant

This one is my personal thoughts,
I am not siding with the way that McCain or Obama voted on the bailout. I thought that it was going to work better, faster, but now, their are some more squeaky broken wheels (squeaky wheel gets the WD40).

This economic downturn is disastrous and we might not excel as fast in the next couple of years as we have done in the past three decades. I understand the some of the reasons why the bailout passed, except, a small business that is already up and running does not have to deal with loans very often. It would be the ones that are to be made in the next year or two. Without the wealthy VC, there would be a shut down of growth. That is why you have to not increase, but decrease the capital gains tax and corporate taxes. America has the second highest corporate taxes. Why should their be tax cuts for companies who do not decide to ship jobs overseas or ship them back? They are doing the smart move. The chances are there are lower taxes to where ever they decide to go. How about you just cut the damn tax? Then more companies will move back and others companies will come.
If the government did not get the initial billions of dollars that it is trying to divide, then we would be better off. A significant amount of people would be able to pay up on their loans. Now, it is too late. If you give back the money, they are just going to think of it as a gift and spend it as a gift, on non-necessities like cigarettes, a boat, gifts for christmas. Apparently, there are a tons of other people who could have used the help earlier, when they did default on their mortgages, credit cards, and other loans.

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