Monday, October 20, 2008

McCain Palin in Family Guy

Seeing the article, From Foxnews, I was offended.

I believe there is almost nothing a like about Hitler and McCain.

If there is a comparison to be made between Nazi Germany and a presidential candidate, it would be Obama. Obama is the great awing speaker, just like Hitler was. He was the one that tried to install ideas of change and fix the problems of society.

It's a bad idea for doing anything like this and I think that nothing like this should be made or reproduced, especially in a popular cartoon.

This reminds of that bomb scare in downtown Boston because there was several electronic signs scattered throughout the town. It was a promo gone bad.

This current accident is not to get popularity but to make a statement. They are already getting the audience of people who are into Political satire. Why would you go on a limb like that.

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