Thursday, October 30, 2008

We are wining this war, Why would you have us lose it now?

John McCain is not going to let us stay in Iraq for a few more decades, not even a few more years! Get you facts straight. He is going to take the general's advice, LIKE EVERY PRESIDENT SHOULD and "win" in Iraq. Two accomplishments have been achieved in this war on Terror.
1) Took the fight from our doorstep, to the terrorist doorstep. Its a defensive issue.
2) Restored Peoples God given Freedoms that a corrupt dictator had taken away (Life is part of those freedoms). Its a moral issue.

Lets do the math, so there are about 28.2 million people in Iraq, and 32.7 million of people in Afghanistan (CIA FACTBOOK), there have been approx. 4187 American soldiers who gave their life ( That would be 60.9 million people divided by 4187. So thats 14,545 people received freedom for each American death. If we withdraw too fast, these lives lost would be in vain.

Now if you want to do for every person possibly saved from Terrorist attacks because of this war, that would be just more than 6 billion people.

Because of this war in Iraq and Afghanistan, the morale and numbers of Terrorist organizations are down, the stability of the region has increased, and clearly prevented terrorist attacks by distraction around them. The stability is decreasing because of Iran, but imagine if Hussein was in power at this time.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Lowering the Bar

As you might have been hearing for a couple of months or two, Obama and Biden are wanting to raise the taxes of the people making $250,000 and redistribute it to the people below it.

News of Biden and Obama have lowered that mark down one hundred thousand to $150,000. That puts just about every single middle class American and all of the "Joe the Plumbers" also known as small business owners. That is so slimy of them to do that.

Virtually, anyone with a college degree will have to pay higher tax. This is scandalous! Something that only included a couple million will now encumbers nearly everyone that is not 'poor.'

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

McHealth vs O'care

Health care comparison,

They are statements about Obama's plan with make if more affordable, but McCain's will make it even more affordable by having the insurance companies compete over state lines.
This cool interactive shows, that well, McCains plan is cheaper for more of the poor, middle, and rich classes than Obama's.

Monday, October 27, 2008

My name is Joe the Plumber

I am insulted by Obama and Biden when they shoot down the Joe the plumber and his dreams, they are killing and stopping on millions of Americans Dreams. My dream is one of them. Bringing in socialism to America will be proof that Russia/Soviet Union won. What is Putin going to say now?

Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Bailout Brain Rant

This one is my personal thoughts,
I am not siding with the way that McCain or Obama voted on the bailout. I thought that it was going to work better, faster, but now, their are some more squeaky broken wheels (squeaky wheel gets the WD40).

This economic downturn is disastrous and we might not excel as fast in the next couple of years as we have done in the past three decades. I understand the some of the reasons why the bailout passed, except, a small business that is already up and running does not have to deal with loans very often. It would be the ones that are to be made in the next year or two. Without the wealthy VC, there would be a shut down of growth. That is why you have to not increase, but decrease the capital gains tax and corporate taxes. America has the second highest corporate taxes. Why should their be tax cuts for companies who do not decide to ship jobs overseas or ship them back? They are doing the smart move. The chances are there are lower taxes to where ever they decide to go. How about you just cut the damn tax? Then more companies will move back and others companies will come.
If the government did not get the initial billions of dollars that it is trying to divide, then we would be better off. A significant amount of people would be able to pay up on their loans. Now, it is too late. If you give back the money, they are just going to think of it as a gift and spend it as a gift, on non-necessities like cigarettes, a boat, gifts for christmas. Apparently, there are a tons of other people who could have used the help earlier, when they did default on their mortgages, credit cards, and other loans.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Should Students get paid for good grades?

Students are students, and they should not get paid for their grades. This will put a price on cheating techniques and increases the reward for doing it. It also replaces the motivation of creating your future to greed. Peer tutoring, private tutoring, after school programs and other low cost student services will want a cut from the student since they are getting paid for it. It will create a stressful environment for the teachers by having to handle with more complaints on grading.
It will now be reasonable to cheat since now it will be rewarded. More people will start cheating to get better grades and more money. Students will think that the money is more valuable than a good education and higher pay later. Test answers will now have a value to the students, along with other cheating techniques.
This will also increase the stress on the teacher. There is already students that do discuss their grade with the teacher. With money at stake, they will complain more and more to change their grade. Teachers will be afraid of that or try to prevent the ambush of them, so they will grade easier. This inflation will cause the students to not learn from their mistakes or bad decisions as they would be a bad grade.
If getting good grades was financially rewarded, tutoring services would be in high demand. Just a asking a simple question or help from a friend will now be worth something and can now be legitimately charged. They are helping you achieve profit. It is only fair to share it with those who help you get their.
Students are getting more than their share out of schooling. They are getting a future. By paying them for their grades, you give them the wrong motivations early on and can increase materialism. Cheating would be more of an issue, since this would be a price for it. Tutoring and other help would not be free and the price for them would increase. Students should not get paid for their grades.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

State Income Tax abolish? Part 2

The state legislature, and Gov. might not know how to deal with it at first. Apparently we are already in debt as a state, so budgeting has already begun to happen and planing.

This piece of legislation might cause some jobs to be cut, but ultimately and down the road (like 5 years), more jobs will be created. Businesses and people will see that this state has a low tax rate compared to any other state. They might then move or create their company in the state.

Most people and businesses will not move here because its MA. Their needs to be a reason why! This is a reason why! It's not because of the good schools in a state, that is criteria for the cities and towns to compete against. That might be why, our own money goes to our schools.

State Income Tax abolish?

November 4th is a big day. We get to vote for president and if we like to abolish the state income tax among other things.

Hey, the municipalities pay a decent part for police, firefighters, and schools!

O no, maybe we will suffer for the first couple years, (years that we will be in college), but people will be keeping there own money and more money will be flowing!

We will have to downsize, but it will cause us to streamline the state budget. And be competative with the other states!

Get rid of programs that aren't working, get rid of the toll workers kind of things that get paid a ridiculous amount of money for their job (they get paid more than our teachers).

Maybe we can get the state population growing again instead of declining!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

3 Steps for a better Economy!

According to this article, Dr. Merrill Matthews claims that there are three ingredents to make this economic situation a whole lot better.

Step 1 - Free Trade
McCain for it.
Obama against it.

Step 2 - Low and simple taxes
McCain for it.
Obama picking and choosing tax cuts.

Step 3 - Reduce government spending.
McCain for it.
Obama against it.

I hope you see which one will be better in the economy.

Monday, October 20, 2008

McCain Palin in Family Guy

Seeing the article, From Foxnews, I was offended.

I believe there is almost nothing a like about Hitler and McCain.

If there is a comparison to be made between Nazi Germany and a presidential candidate, it would be Obama. Obama is the great awing speaker, just like Hitler was. He was the one that tried to install ideas of change and fix the problems of society.

It's a bad idea for doing anything like this and I think that nothing like this should be made or reproduced, especially in a popular cartoon.

This reminds of that bomb scare in downtown Boston because there was several electronic signs scattered throughout the town. It was a promo gone bad.

This current accident is not to get popularity but to make a statement. They are already getting the audience of people who are into Political satire. Why would you go on a limb like that.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Obama a hypocrite?

An article from foxnews is about Obama not taking public financing.

Obama is the first candadite to not take public financing since Watergate. Obama raised $602 million since the start of the campaign.

That is ridiculous to have control over that much money, and be a socialist. How about he gives that money to the poor guy, and the middle class and the rich can keep there own money. The "spreading of wealth" concepts that he totally exposed to Joe the Plumber, shows that he is completely on the left. Anyone that knows history or economics knows that socialism or spreading of wealth does not work, nor has it ever worked. Why should it work now? This idea is just like welfare and we already know that welfare does not work.

To get back on the point, this massive amount of money will be the roots for corruption. Always was and always will.

Saturday, October 18, 2008


I am part of a family of six. There is lots of commotion around the dinner table when we have a meal together, and there are lots of choices on what to talk about or what to eat. Sometimes, we get into deep and entertaining conversations at the dinner table, but other times, a word isn’t spoken between grace and dessert. For those occasions that conversing is not the main attraction, it is the loud chewing! Most of the time, all I hear is the sound of the carrots being chopped up, the steak being ground up by the molars, or the chicken being mixed with the gravy and mashed potatoes using the tongue and making the worst possible sound while I am trying to enjoy my very own delicious meal that is in front of me and losing my appetite.
The loud chewing has to stop. It is rude and disgusting. I do not need to know where your food is through echolocation. No one does. No one cares if your food is tasting so good that you need to gasp for air in between the up and down motions of your jaw. The obnoxious noises are disturbing the peace and is getting in the way of me and others enjoying our food. Some foods are louder than others, or are harder to eat when you have a cold, but it is no excuse for being lazy and not being considerate of others.
The solution for the loud chewing is that the culprits should take smaller bites and be aware that you are making a loud sound when you are biting off that carrot or beating down the medium rare piece of steak. If your mouth can’t close around it, don’t eat it. If your nose is blocked from a cold, the most common excuse for such a thing, then eat some soup. I am begging you to respect others when you chew their food and make a conscious attack on defeating this way of eating. It is destroying family meals as we know it.

Warren Buffet

The billion dollar machine, Warren Buffet believes that the American economy is the way to invest for long term. He wrote this opinion in an article in the NYTimes.

I agree with him. I do not agree with him in supporting Obama though, but that is a different story.

The market is down a lot in the past month, but the question is when will it go back up. It is obvious that it will be over time. The market has always rebounded from dips and the great depression.

Why would you invest?

Invest to put aside money for the future and manage its growth. You can choose to invest in certain stocks during this time and in 5 years or more, you will definitely see some gains in your favor.

Now, if you were to keep this money in the bank account, you are guaranteed that you will not lose your money, but you might be more likely to spend it on things that are not worth it.

I am going to start investing within a month.

Now is the time to get in on those deals of stock.

Friday, October 17, 2008

AT's Discussing Points

A friend of mine (AT) created and states this list of points:

1) Obama associates with previously known people who have connections to terrorist groups (aka guilty by association)
2) He lies about his relations with groups such as ACORN
3) He wants to create jobs, but for who?--- the government
4) He wants to tax the "middle class" and working people and distribute this money into federal programs (why should the people who don't work hard and just feed off others get the successful people's money?)
5) He is a one world/government guy (Too bad this is AMERICA)
6) He isn't even American and is actually Arabic so all of the black people who vote for him because he's "black" and whites who don't want to feel racist shouldn't have to anymore

Sen. Government

The slip of "Sen. Government" instead of "Sen. Obama" by Sen. McCain was well camouflaged in the debate last night.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Why would you Penalize success?

According to Obama when addressing Joe the plumber, he would take his wealth and redistribute it.

Obama is proposing that government should penalize success and reward failure. This would ruin America and the American Dream! There would be no reason why to be successful. It would make America socialist!

McCain's Healthcare

McCain's health care plan consists of a $5000 tax credit. This credit would be paid for with a tax of health care benefits of large corporations.

This would help even the playing field and benefit both the small and large businesses.

The smaller businesses would be able to get away from solely supplying their employees with health care. They will be able to afford more employees and in result grow the economy.

The larger businesses will also benefit from this policy brought to you be Senator McCain. This plan gives the employee the ability to CHOOSE if he would like to have that plan supplied, or another cheaper or more covered plan and cross state lines to get that kind of coverage.

Did McCain Seal the Deal?


Did he lick and prime the deal?

O yes he did.

He brought out good arguments about Obama's tax plans, education plans, and other plans. He brought out "guilt by judgement."

He came out punching and defended that he had repudiated the republicans behavior, but Sen. Obama has not done the same for his crazy supporters. He did not for those he falsied his health, his tax and healthcare plans, and others calling him racist!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Last Debate

Sen. McCain has definately come out and started swing hard.

"If you wanted to run against Pres. Bush, you should have ran four years ago!" (McCain)

McCain has brought up Obama's past and questions. He also showed how bad Biden has been wrong abut Foreign Policy. He has shown that Obama is wrong about the North American Trade Agreement and the free trade agreement.

McCain is representing AMERICANS!

FYI If Obama was to apply for a federal job, he would not be able to pass the security clearance.

"I am not voting for a debater, I am voting for a President!

What is the American Dream?

The American Dream is what this country is found on.

This is the land of opportunity.

It is why we fight and shed blood for others.

It is the idea that if we work hard, there will be opportunities.

If you commit yourself, you will succeed.

If you give all you got, you will see what is at the end of the tunnel.

You got to do it. No one else will hand it to you.

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About Me

I am writing this blog as a hobby and to share my projects in electronics, programming, and engineering.