Sunday, August 25, 2013

What should I do with my new Raspberry Pi?

What should I do with my new Raspberry Pi?

I am expecting the arrival of a new Raspberry Pi Model B from SparkFun Electronics that I ordered the other day.  In the anticipation, I am starting to brainstorm of what I should make it do.

According to Wikipedia, "the Raspberry Pi is a credit-card-sized single-board computer developed in the UK by the Raspberry Pi Foundation with the intention of promoting the teaching of basic computer science in schools."   Sounds Cool, right?!  

This computer is the size of your hand and runs linux through a SD card.  This chip allows you to just plug in a HDMI cord for your monitor, two USB ports for your keyboard and mouse, and even an ethernet port for an internet connection.

The path that I will most likely take would make the raspberry pi tweet for me.  As a challenge, I could connect one or several of my multiple sensors from my Arduino starter kit to either trigger the tweet, create content for the tweet, or do both.

If I was to go that way, I would use a temperature sensor and a light sensor to tweet the current conditions of my home office.  After some internet research, I am going to follow this post to make my Raspberry Pi tweet.

If you guys have any tips, comments, words of encouragement, or ideas of what I should do, comment below.

This is going to be fun!

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I am writing this blog as a hobby and to share my projects in electronics, programming, and engineering.