Friday, January 21, 2011

Pirates and the Carribean

There was this rescue and take over mission by the SEAL special forces of South Korea aboard a ship that was hijacked by pirates.

It seems like someone has been playing to much Call of Duty Black Ops, but still, gutsy move.

The decision to give the signal for this type of mission must have been hard to do.  It put the lives of the crew in harms way along with the soldiers.

It was the better decision to make at the end of the day.  Besides killing most of the pirates, capturing five of them and only having to deal with a non-lethal shot in the stomach of the ship's skipper, that's a success.

This type of action sends to the pirates that this is not a pleasurable way of life as for negotiating is becoming more scarce.

Also, a new Pirates of the Caribbean (On Stranger Tides) in coming out this year!

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