Friday, November 19, 2010

How Weed Won the West

For those who haven't seen, How Weed Won the West is a documentary about the issues of Medical Marijuana in the past years in California.

This documentary is well done and lots of time and effort has clearly been put into it.

Every single person they talk to as a dispensary owner, user (aka "Patient"), or a "doctor," they have have something wrong with them.  They all talk in a slow, cautious way.  They might be high or be in "pain" but I think it proves a different point than one that I think they meant to show.

I believe it shows that Marijuana use does change the user.  Its more than the fear of being caught, since in California, they do have the doctor's permission and the proper paper work to do such a thing.

Looking toward the end of the movie, their is one user that got severely burned and is clearly in a world of hurt.  He brings of a point that it is a miracle drug.  It takes the place of the addicting cocktail of drugs that he would need to treat pain, depression, nerve damage, digestion, seizers, anxiety.

So, lets say it does treat all of these problems at once.  What does it mean for a patient that only suffers from pain?  Should they still take the "cocktail replacing miracle drug"?  No doctor would give a patient a prescription to drugs that would treat other symptoms than the patient has.  It would be as if the patient took seizers pills when he got burned.

That's what scary about this drug, herb, or weed.  It changes people's whole being when they are not even smoking it.  This documentary proves my point.

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