Sunday, February 27, 2011

Percent Error Review

For those that only write lab reports once a term or so, the percent error formula is usually a calculation worth inserting into your dicussion. 

This type of calculation compares the value you got from the experiement and the published value. 

Percent Error = |calculated - published| / published x 100

This assumes that your calculated value and the published value is in the same units.  If not, they should be converted to the same units.

Refresh and review complete.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

China's Smoking

Smokin' away!
It seems that America is under a new Red Scare.  This time, it's about China.

Politicians from Obama to Bohner feel that China is getting ahead of America.  Just from last week's State of the Union address Obama incited this motivation that we need to do big things.

Now to calm those pessimists, China has a smoking problem.  Economist and health experts predict that an estimated of 2 million people will die each year from tobacco-related problems in China.  By 2030, that could rise to 3.5 million per year.

According to the article, there are more than 300 million smokers in China.  That's a lot of wasted productivity.  If each smoker wastes about an hour smoking each day, that would be over 101 billion man-hours lost of productivity each year.

Sorry China, but that's a lot of wasted time.

Most Onlooked...

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I am writing this blog as a hobby and to share my projects in electronics, programming, and engineering.